Sunday 10 May 2015


The Sugar Free Diet can be a very effect form of managing weight, improving mood, increasing energy levels and maintaining a healthy diet. However this diet, like all diets is not effective in isolation and must be in conjunction with regular physical activity and appropriate energy intake based of energy requirements. Sarah Wilson, promotes the sugar free diet as a "lifestyle change" and encourages peoples to find sugar free alternatives to their favourite meals to ensure this is not a restrictive diet but a functional part of your lifestyle. I would recommend the more lenient version of the Sugar Free Diet as it adheres to both guideline 2 and 3 of the Australian Dietary Guidelines and is more likely to be able to be followed long term.


Department of Health. (2013). Australian Dietary Guidelines. Retrieved from

Medical Education Websites. (2015). Give Up Sugar. Retrieved from

NewsLifeMedia. (2013, January). The Sugar Free Diet - News. Retrieved from sugar free diet

Rebecca Kitchen. (2015). Nutrition Panel Cracks Down on Sugar. Retrieved from

Sarah Barrett (2014). I am STILL sugar free. Retrieved from

Sarah Wilson. (2014). I Quit Sugar. Retrieved from

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